
Correctbook, a mission against illiteracy. There are 1 billion people in the world who can not read and write. Correctbook donates a part of the turnover to combat illiteracy.

Support this mission and let your Correctbooks personalize and give your customers an infinitely usable notebook. A Correctbook printed with your logo, an original and socially responsible giveaway.

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Inspire your customers in a responsible way and give them a give away with a double message.

For the possibilities, please contact your supplier of business gifts or advertising agency.

Correctbook; erasable and reuseable notebooks

Choose a color and have your logo printed on the cover. With a full color printed cover entirely in own color and design. Pages blank or lined. At extra cost with dots, squares or to-do sheets. The Correctbook is available in various colors and 7 different models:

 Correctbook A4
 Correctbook A4 hard cover
 Correctbook A5
✓ Correctbook A5 hard cover
Correctbook A6
Correctbook A7 pocket
Correctbook Scratch
Correctbook Scratch To Do
Correctbook Forever Gamebook